Results for 'G. de Hey'

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  1.  15
    Ser sin esencia. Algunos apuntes wittgensteinianos para pensar el uso del término mujer en el debate trans.Isabel G. Gamero Cabrera - 2023 - Eikasia Revista de Filosofía 114:109-127.
    En este artículo desarrollo una crítica hacia posturas transexcluyentes, que niegan el reconocimiento como mujeres de las mujeres trans, bajo la óptica de la filosofía del lenguaje cotidiano del segundo Wittgenstein. Aunque este autor nunca se posicionó en ese tema, varias de sus intérpretes feministas, como Toril Moi, Cressida Heyes y Hilde Lindemann-Nelson, han elaborado una crítica antiesencialista para evitar el reduccionismo biológico del término «mujer» y ampliar su uso. Siguiendo a estas filósofas, mi tesis es que varios contenidos de (...)
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    Stakeholder views regarding ethical issues in the design and conduct of pragmatic trials: study protocol.Stuart G. Nicholls, Kelly Carroll, Jamie Brehaut, Charles Weijer, Spencer Phillips Hey, Cory E. Goldstein, Merrick Zwarenstein, Ian D. Graham, Joanne E. McKenzie, Lauralyn McIntyre, Vipul Jairath, Marion K. Campbell, Jeremy M. Grimshaw, Dean A. Fergusson & Monica Taljaard - 2018 - BMC Medical Ethics 19 (1):90.
    Randomized controlled trial trial designs exist on an explanatory-pragmatic spectrum, depending on the degree to which a study aims to address a question of efficacy or effectiveness. As conceptualized by Schwartz and Lellouch in 1967, an explanatory approach to trial design emphasizes hypothesis testing about the mechanisms of action of treatments under ideal conditions, whereas a pragmatic approach emphasizes testing effectiveness of two or more available treatments in real-world conditions. Interest in, and the number of, pragmatic trials has grown substantially (...)
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  3. Changing Race, Changing Sex: The Ethics of Self-Transformation.Cressida J. Heyes - 2006 - Journal of Social Philosophy 37 (2):266-282.
    "Why are there 'transsexuals' but not 'transracials'?" "Why is there an accepted way to change sex, but not to change race?" I have repeatedly heard these questions from theorists puzzled by the phenomenon of transsexuality. Feminist thinkers, in particular, often seem taken aback that in the case of category switching the possibilities appear to be so different. Behind the question is sometimes an implicit concern: Does not the (hypothetical or real) example of individual “transracialism” seem politically troubling? And, if it (...)
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    Education and Our Expanding Horizons.R. G. Macmillan, P. D. Hey & J. W. Macquarrie - 1963 - British Journal of Educational Studies 11 (2):204-205.
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    Infertility treatment and multiple birth rates in Britain, 1938–94.M. Murphy, K. Hey, J. Brown, B. Willis, J. D. Ellis, D. Barlow, A. Chandra, E. H. Stephen, C. Nilses & G. Lindmark - 1997 - Journal of Biosocial Science 29 (2):235-43.
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    Is the natural twinning rate now stable?M. F. G. Murphy, K. Hey, D. Whiteman, M. O'donnell, B. Willis & D. Barlow - 2000 - Journal of Biosocial Science 32 (2):279-281.
    As contribution to a recent debate (James, 1998; Murphy etal., 1997, 1998) the proportion of twins following ovulation induction (OI) or assisted conception (AC) in 1994 in Oxfordshire and West Berkshire was estimated, and by extrapolation the natural twinning rate in England and Wales was judged to have maintained a plateau phase since the 1970s. Similar figures for 1995 and 1996 from the same study, and hence a more stable local estimate, are now provided. The proportions, as before, were estimated (...)
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    What questions can a placebo answer?Spencer Phillips Hey & Charles Weijer - 2016 - Monash Bioethics Review 34 (1):23-36.
    The concept of clinical equipoise restricts the use of placebo controls in clinical trials when there already exists a proven effective treatment. Several critics of clinical equipoise have put forward alleged counter-examples to this restriction—describing instances of ethical placebo-controlled trials that apparently violate clinical equipoise. In this essay, we respond to these examples and show that clinical equipoise is not as restrictive of placebos as these authors assume. We argue that a subtler appreciation for clinical equipoise—in particular the distinction between (...)
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  8. Judging Quality and Coordination in Biomarker Diagnostic Development.Spencer Phillips Hey - 2015 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 30 (2):207-227.
    What makes a high-quality biomarker experiment? The success of personalized medicine hinges on the answer to this question. In this paper, I argue that judgment about the quality of biomarker experiments is mediated by the problem of theoretical underdetermination. That is, the network of biological and pathophysiological theories motivating a biomarker experiment is sufficiently complicated that it often frustrates valid interpretation of the experimental results. Drawing on a case-study in biomarker diagnostic development from neurooncology, I argue that this problem of (...)
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  9. Cosmetic Surgery and the Televisual Makeover: A Foucauldian feminist reading.Cressida J. Heyes - 2007 - Feminist Media Studies 7 (1):17-32.
    I argue that the televisual cosmetic surgical makeover is usefully understood as a contemporary manifestation of normalization, in Foucault’s sense—a process of defining a population in relation to its conformity or deviance from a norm, while simultaneously generating narratives of individual authenticity. Drawing on detailed analysis of “Extreme Makeover,” I suggest that the show erases its complicity with creating homogeneous bodies by representing cosmetic surgery as enabling of personal transformation through its narratives of intrinsic motivation and authentic becoming, and its (...)
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  10. De vraagstelling bij een referendum.G. De Geest - 1986 - Res Publica (Misc) 38 (1):3-21.
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  11. El fundamento de las normas Morales según Georges Kalinowski.G. Kalinowski & Anales de la Cátedra Fran - 1994 - Sapientia 191:307.
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    Otro enigma de El Greco: ¿un pintor escéptico que realiza pintura religiosa?Alfonso Rodríguez G. De Ceballos - 2015 - Arbor 191 (776):a280.
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    Problemas conceptuales en algunos modelos de validez normativa.René G. De la Vega - 2008 - Isonomía. Revista de Teoría y Filosofía Del Derecho 29:121-147.
    Como casi todos los conceptos fi losófi cos, el de «validez normativa» tiene altos grados de ambigüedad y de vaguedad. En este trabajo me encargo de analizar la postura de distintos autores que han tratado de dar respuesta a la pregunta ¿qué significa que una norma sea «válida»? Para ello, tomo como hilo conductor la obra de Ernesto Garzón Valdés. Esto se debe a que los trabajos de Ernesto Garzón dedicados a este tema, le ofrecen al lector un análisis crítico (...)
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  14. Husserl: Fenomenologia e logica transcendental in II Coloquio Português de fenomenologia.G. De Fraga - 1985 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 41 (4).
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  15.  26
    Informed consent in pragmatic trials: results from a survey of trials published 2014–2019.Jennifer Zhe Zhang, Stuart G. Nicholls, Kelly Carroll, Hayden Peter Nix, Cory E. Goldstein, Spencer Phillips Hey, Jamie C. Brehaut, Paul C. McLean, Charles Weijer, Dean A. Fergusson & Monica Taljaard - 2022 - Journal of Medical Ethics 49 (1):34-40.
    ObjectivesTo describe reporting of informed consent in pragmatic trials, justifications for waivers of consent and reporting of alternative approaches to standard written consent. To identify factors associated with (1) not reporting and (2) not obtaining consent.MethodsSurvey of primary trial reports, published 2014–2019, identified using an electronic search filter for pragmatic trials implemented in MEDLINE, and registered in 1988 trials, 132 (6.6%) did not include a statement about participant consent, 1691 (85.0%) reported consent had been obtained, 139 (7.0%) reported a (...)
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    A Theorem of Ludwig Revisited.G. Cassinelli, E. De Vito, P. Lahti & A. Levrero - 2000 - Foundations of Physics 30 (10):1757-1763.
    Using a recent result of Busch and Gudder, we reconsider a theorem of Ludwig which allows one to identify a class of effect automorphisms as the symmetry transformations in quantum mechanics.
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    Initiation sociale du jeune paysan.G. De Coupigny - 1942 - Paris,: Maison rustique.
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  18. Uomo, possibilità e trascendenza. Rileggendo Nicola Abbagnano.G. De Crescenzo - 1988 - Filosofia 39 (1):45-70.
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    Satisfiability testing for Boolean formulas using δ-trees.G. Gutiérrez, I. P. de Guzmán, J. Martínez, M. Ojeda-Aciego & A. Valverde - 2002 - Studia Logica 72 (1):85 - 112.
    The tree-based data structure of -tree for propositional formulas is introduced in an improved and optimised form. The -trees allow a compact representation for negation normal forms as well as for a number of reduction strategies in order to consider only those occurrences of literals which are relevant for the satisfiability of the input formula. These reduction strategies are divided into two subsets (meaning- and satisfiability-preserving transformations) and can be used to decrease the size of a negation normal form A (...)
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  20. La democracia cristiana.G. Jaramillo & Francisco de Paula - 1962 - Bogotá,: Ediciones del Caribe;.
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  21. Una política existencial.G. Jaramillo & Francisco de Paula - 1967 - [Bogotá,:
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    The Mongolian Tanǰur Version of the Bodhicaryāvatāra. Edited and Transcribed, with a Word-Index and a Photo-Reproduction of the Original Text (1748)The Mongolian Tanjur Version of the Bodhicaryavatara. Edited and Transcribed, with a Word-Index and a Photo-Reproduction of the Original Text.G. Kara & Igor de Rachewiltz - 1997 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 117 (4):704.
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  23. Ecriture sainte.G. Lasserre & Synopse des Lois du Pentateuque - 1996 - Nouvelle Revue Théologique 118:740.
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    Een methode Van semiotiche analyse.G. Lukken, P. de Maat, M. Rijkhoff & N. Tromp - 1983 - Bijdragen 44 (2):118-165.
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  25. Temporal dynamic of early visual extrastriate activity in a blindsight patient.G. Pourtois, B. de Gelder, B. Rossion & L. Weiskrantz - 2000 - Consciousness and Cognition 9 (2):S64 - S64.
  26. La rivelazione della Vita, ISBN 978-88-612-4001-8.G. De Simone & M. Krienke - 2008 - Theologie Und Philosophie 83 (2):300.
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    Review of C. G. Prado (ed.), Foucault's Legacy[REVIEW]Cressida J. Heyes - 2010 - Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews 2010 (8).
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  28. Historiografías comparadas. El "total cero" de la historiografía chilena actual.R. Luis G. De Mussy - 2007 - Arbor 183 (724):189-201.
    Historia como devenir humano, historiografía como ciencia, historia como sueño e historiografía como síntesis explicativa. Finalmente, teoría historiográfica como delirio poético y como práctica metodológica milenaria que cubre nuestras necesidades de ser y sabernos individuos constituidos de nostálgica fragilidad. En este sentido, se reconoce el contexto revisionista actual de la historiografía chilena –1989-2006– como inicio y contrapunto del debate general que se intenta ilustrar. He ahí las bases de este trabajo.
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    Subjects and Simulations: Between Baudrillard and Lacoue-Labarthe.Gary E. Aylesworth, Bettina Bergo, Thomas P. Brockelman, Alina Clej, Damian Ward Hey, Drew A. Hyland, Basil O'Neill, Henk Oosterling, Stephen David Ross, Katherine Rudolph, Robin May Schott, Massimo Verdicchio, James R. Watson & Martin G. Weiss (eds.) - 2014 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    Subjects and Simulations presents essays focused on suffering and sublimity, representation and subjectivity, and the relation of truth and appearance through engagement with the legacies of Jean Baudrillard and Philippe Lacoue-Labarthe.
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    The forgotten struggle of Albert Geyser against racism and apartheid.Andries G. Van Aarde, Pieter G. R. De Villiers & Johan Buitendag - 2014 - HTS Theological Studies 70 (1).
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    Extending the Theory of Normative Practices: An Application to Two Cases of Networked Military Operations.Christine G. van Burken & Marc J. de Vries - 2012 - Philosophia Reformata 77 (2):135-154.
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    Language for thought: Coming to understand false beliefs.Jill G. de Villiers & Peter A. de Villiers - 2003 - In Dedre Gentner & Susan Goldin-Meadow (eds.), Language in Mind: Advances in the Study of Language and Thought. MIT Press.
  33.  13
    Modeling Frequency Reduction in Human Groups Performing a Joint Oscillatory Task.Carmela Calabrese, Benoît G. Bardy, Pietro De Lellis & Mario di Bernardo - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    In human groups performing oscillatory tasks, it has been observed that the frequency of participants' oscillations reduces when compared to that acquired in solo. This experimental observation is not captured by the standard Kuramoto oscillators, often employed to model human synchronization. In this work, we aim at capturing this observed phenomenon by proposing three alternative modifications of the standard Kuramoto model that are based on three different biologically-relevant hypotheses underlying group synchronization. The three models are tuned, validated and compared against (...)
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    In memoriam: Vuyani Shadrack Vellem†.Andries G. van Aarde & Stephan J. de Beer - 2019 - HTS Theological Studies 75 (3).
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  35. Benevides, MRF, 343 Berk, L., 323 Boėr, SE, 43 Calabrese, PG.S. Chopra, A. G. Cohn, R. P. de Freitas, H. Field, A. Ghose, L. Goble, V. Halbach, L. Humberstone, N. Kamide & S. Kovac - 2003 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 32 (669).
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    L'Education des Adolescents au XX Siecle, III.H. G. Townsend & Pierre de Coubertin - 1918 - Philosophical Review 27 (2):209.
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    Os fundamentos do governo na teoria política de James Harrington.Alberto Ribeiro G. De Barros - 2015 - Filosofia Unisinos 16 (1).
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    La gestión del conocimiento en la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid.Carlos Conde Lázaro, Jesús Arriaga G.ª de Andoain & Antonio Carpeño Ruiz - 2011 - Arbor 187 (Extra_3):101-115.
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    Studies in discourse representation theory and the theory of generalized quantifiers.Jeroen A. G. Groenendijk, Dick de Jongh & Martin J. B. Stokhof (eds.) - 1986 - Providence, RI, USA: Foris Publications.
    Semantic Automata Johan van Ben them. INTRODUCTION An attractive, but never very central idea in modern semantics has been to regard linguistic expressions ...
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    Radical inclusivity and the journey on the way to somewhere [irgendwohin unterwegs].Andries G. Van Aarde & Pieter G. R. de Villiers - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 79 (2):13.
    This article represents the genre of auto-ethnographic, autobiographical research. It consists of questions which evoke narrative responses because the questions register a life story in itself. Pieter G.R. de Villiers is the interpellator and Andries G. van Aarde the respondent. They are long-standing friends and both professors of New Testament studies. De Villiers is presently the editor at LitNet Academic (Religious Studies), and Van Aarde is the editor of HTS Theological Studies. Since 1990, De Villiers has been Executive Director of (...)
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    A liberdade republicana em algernon Sidney.Alberto Ribeiro G. De Barros - 2016 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 57 (135):601-618.
    RESUMO O objetivo deste artigo é analisar a concepção de liberdade encontrada em "Discourses concerning government" de Algernon Sidney. Mantendo a perspectiva republicana, a liberdade é definida pela ausência de dominação, ou seja, pela não submissão, sujeição ou exposição à vontade arbitrária de outra pessoa; e assumindo a perspectiva jusnaturalista, a liberdade é considerada um direito natural, inerente à condição humana, que deve ser preservado e assegurado pela autoridade política. Pretende-se discutir como Sidney articula essas duas perspectivas em sua teoria (...)
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    Dialectica categories, cardinalities of the continuum and combinatorics of ideals.Samuel G. da Silva & Valeria C. V. de Paiva - 2017 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 25 (4):585-603.
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  43. Cognitive Abduction in the Study of Visual Culture.María G. Navarro & Noemi de Haro García - 2012 - Philosophy and Cognitive Science. Western and Eastern Studies 2:205-220.
    In this paper art history and visual studies, the disciplines that study visual culture, are presented as a field whose conjectural paradigm can be used to understand the epistemic problems associated with abduction. In order to do so, significant statements, concepts and arguments from the work of several specialists in this field have been highlighted. Their analysis shows the fruitfulness and potential for understanding the study of visual culture as a field that is interwoven with the assumptions of abductive cognition.
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  44. Études dè psychologie Sociale.G. Tarde - 1899 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 47:335-339.
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  45. Ethical decision-making in academic administration: A qualitative inquiry of Filipino college deans' ethical frameworks.Maria Rosario G. Catacutan & Allan de Guzman - 2015 - Australian Educational Researcher 42 (4):483-514.
    Ethical decision-making in school administration has received considerable attention in educational leadership literature. However, most research has focused on principals working in secondary school settings while studies that explore ethical reasoning processes of academic deans have been significantly few. This qualitative study aims to describe the ethical decision-making processes employed by a select group of Filipino college deans in solving ethical dilemmas using the ethical paradigms proposed in the works of Starratt (Educ Adm Q 27:185–202, 1991) and Shapiro and Stefkovich (...)
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  46.  21
    Intencionalidade e Aquisição de Linguagem Em Merleau-Ponty.Rodrigo Benevides B. G. - 2022 - Revista Dialectus 27 (27):117-143.
    Os Cursos da Sorbonne de Merleau-Ponty tratam da psicologia e pedagogia da criança. Dentre outros tópicos, interessa-nos aqui a perspectiva fenomenológica merleau-pontiana acerca da relação entre intencionalidade e aquisição de linguagem. Ancorado no pensamento de Max Scheler e, sobretudo, Ferdinand de Saussure, Merleau-Ponty apresenta uma noção de linguagem que visa examinar as posições intelectualista e empirista de modo a superar a privacidade do cogito tácito e os limites do alter ego de Husserl, indicando assim uma origem intercorporal do fenômeno linguístico (...)
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  47. Natural right and property in Jean Bodin.Alberto Ribeiro G. De Barros - 2006 - Trans/Form/Ação 29 (1):31-43.
    This article aims to discuss the concepts of natural right and property in Bodin's Iuri distributio universi and the political consequences of these ideas in Methodus ad facilem historiarum cognitionem and Les Six Livres de la République .Este artigo pretende discutir os conceitos de direito natural e propriedade no Iuri universi distributio e as suas conseqüências políticas no Methodus ad facilem historiarum cognitionem e no Les Six Livres de la République , de Jean Bodin.
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  48. Hernando de Soto, The Mystery of Capital: Why Capitalism Triumphs in the West and Fails Everywhere Else.G. C. Alvarez - 2002 - Journal of Libertarian Studies 16 (1; SEAS WIN):99-105.
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  49. Lettres de MM. Maurice Blondel, Jacques Chevalier, J. Dinner, J. Maréchal, J. Paliard, J. Segond, E. Souriau.G. Berger - 1931 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 5.
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  50. Lettres de MM. M. Blondel, J. Devolvé, F. Mauriac.G. Berger - 1934 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 8.
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